Kids & Dogs Playtime – Parental Supervision Required
Ajax did not mind riding in the shopping cart of his best buddy, Cassandra Saunders, in this cute photo submitted by mom Noel Saunders of Albrightsville, PA, for a 2012 issue of the AKC Canine Partners News. The two loved to play together.
Children and dogs belong together and can have wonderful bonds.
But parents should always keep a close eye on interactions between children and the family dog to assure that play is appropriate and to intervene when the dog has had enough.
Children should be taught not to tease the dog by doing things like blowing in their face; waving their hands around the dog’s head; or keeping toys away from the dog. Help create positive family games with your dog that are safe and fun for everyone — especially your dog!
A great way to get your children involved with your dog and teach them about responsible dog ownership is by involving them in the training of the family dog. Children can show their dogs in many sports and earn special awards through the AKC Junior Handler program. Information: /events/junior-showmanship/companion-events/
Ajax is enrolled with the AKC Canine Partners program for all dogs, including mixed-breeds and rescues. For information on joining the AKC Canine Partners community: