Inspired by watching the AKC Nationals on ESPN, Jeff Wells and his All American Dog, Winston, jumped headfirst into agility training, with advice from a book and using homemade equipment. Enjoy reading about their fantastic start to an exciting agility career!
MACH Winston Wells MXB PAD MJB MFB TQX T2B2 owned by Jeffrey & Kristen Wells of San Antonio, TX
During the ‘Great Freeze’ in Texas during February 2021, Winston was a puppy living in a ditch on the south side of San Antonio. Jeff read a neighborhood post about this black dog living in a ditch, and in single digit temperatures in South Texas, decided to the make the trek on icy roads to the south side.
Right away, Winston jumped into Jeff’s arms, and the rest was history. After healing and gaining his health, Winston showed great athleticism. Jeff had never practiced agility, but after seeing the AKC Nationals on ESPN, he thought Winston might enjoy it. Jeff ordered a book and began teaching Winston in the backyard using PVC pipe, cones, and other homemade obstacles. In February 2022, without access to a training facility, Jeff decided the only way for Winston to practice contact obstacles was to enter a trial. He enrolled Winston in the AKC Canine Partners program, then entered and competed in the Alamo Brittany Club Trial at Top Dog Training Center in Helotes, TX, for the first time.
Winston Q’d on his first run, but the hysteria quickly subsided as Jeff’s training deficiencies were obvious through the rest of the weekend. Catherine Laria and Debbie Moore promptly reached out and began training Jeff and Winston. Very quickly Winston understood exactly what was expected of him, and he began to excel. It took a little longer for Jeff to understand, but after many falls and bloopers, Winston reached the Masters level by the end of 2022.
On December 9, 2023, at Top Dog Training Center, Winston earned his MACH. “Still just 3 years old, he’s more than halfway to his second MACH, just a few months later,” Jeff said. In addition to his agility career, Winston, in January 2023, was featured by name in a movie called ‘In the Shadows of War,’ about a street dog adopted by US soldiers in Iraq. “He is a special boy and the true definition of an All American Underdog!”