Seventeen-year-old Steven Pink of Punta Gorda, FL, and his Labrador Retriever, Stark, will make an appearance on Big Time RV, a show that airs on the Travel Channel.
The episodes are scheduled to appear in a double premiere at 8 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 16.
Steven shows Stark in dock diving, as well as agility, rally and obedience. They have won top honors at the national AKC Juniors events and also in the world Dock Dogs competition.
During the summer, Steven and his parents, Dean and Lucia Pink of Punta Gorda, FL, travel around the country to dock diving events in a RV. Big Time RV features stories of people looking for a new RV to suit their interests and travel needs. The show was filmed at Lazy Days RV Sales in Tampa, FL.
Steven got his start in dog events through the 4-H and the AKC Canine Partners program with his first dog, Sniffy. The Canine Partners program works with 4-H members around the country to enroll their dogs at no charge so they can compete in AKC events.