AGCH MACH12 Moses Raphael York UD BN GN GO RAE4 MXG3 PDS MJS4 PJS MFG TQX T2B8 CGCA CGCU TKA owned by Jordan Patrick York of Evansville, IN
Moses is an 8-year-old All-American (Border Collie/Lab mix, Jordan thinks) who started as Jordan’s Novice A dog in 2012. They began with a few puppy classes and beginners’ manners classes to help house train Moses. The trainer asked Jordan if he had ever thought about agility. He had never heard of the sport and when he researched it he was very intimidated and did not think that his small city could offer it. But they quickly found a Rally Obedience class and the rest is history!
Moses has earned titles in Rally, Obedience, Agility, and Trick Dog. “I knew that when I first read of the AGCH, it was something that I wanted our team to strive for,” said Jordan. And on April 1, 2018 in Dayton, OH, Moses finished the final requirements with a final FAST Q under Dan Faulkner. Jordan and Moses have celebrated at many different agility trials with many different friends. Moses is on his way to his third consecutive AKC Agility Invitational this year in Orlando as the #2 All-American and working on his MACH 14. “I have certainly been spoiled with the best Novice A dog anyone could ask for!”