CT Sype’s Harlie CD PCD BN RE TDU2 FDC SWM THDA CGCA CGCU TKA owned by Gail and George Sype of Rossford, OH
Harlie is a very “loving happy mooch pooch,” a Weimaraner/lab mix, now over 12 ½ years old. The Sypes adopted him from a local rescue. “The previous owners said he was untrainable,” Gail said, but Harlie’s stellar career has more than proved them wrong. Gail counted 43 AKC titles, several years as a Therapy Dog, and being a great family member. He added the cherry to the top of that career when he earned his Scent Work Master title on December 19, 2021 at the Buckeye Tracking Club trial.
Gail likes this photo because it shows how much Harlie loves working and participating in dog sports; it was taken just after he earned the SWM in December. “The smile on his face is priceless and shows that love. He misses greatly all the things he used to be able to do.”
Unfortunately, Gail is “99% sure this will be his last title due to his health condition (degenerative myelopathy). Since he became part of our family at 8 months, we have been honored to share his amazing incredible journey. We are so blessed to continue sharing his life and love. I don’t know how much more time we have with him, but we certainly are going to try to make his life comfortable, happy, telling him what a good boy he is and how much he is loved,” she said.