MACH Augustus McCrae MXB MJG OF T2B2 owned by Leigh Rae Keathley of Jenks, OK
Augustus earned his MACH in Wichita Falls, TX, at the Obedience Training Club of Wichita Falls trial on Aug. 5, 2017.
“Gus, as he is known to his friends and family, is a true joy with a heart of gold. He was named after the character ‘Gus’ in the book/TV mini-series Lonesome Dove – a true and loyal friend who went above and beyond. He truly is a wonderful dog and friend,” Leigh said.
His other activities include riding shotgun in the truck, tractor, or 4-wheeler; keeping cows and horses away from the fence; sleeping on the couch; and his all-time favorite – belly rubs. Leigh said Gus is looking forward to his next adventure of attending the AKC National Agility Championship in Reno, NV.
Want to get involved with AKC sports and events but your dog is a mixed breed? No problem! Here at the AKC, we welcome all types of dogs – purebred and mixed breeds alike. Enroll today.