Jasmine of Lindenbrook UDX and Nan Daley of Woodside, CA, have become just the third All-American Dog team to achieve the AKC Obedience title of Utility Dog Excellent (UDX).
This challenging goal requires dogs to qualify in both Open B and Utility B classes on the same day 10 times. Jasmine achieved this in just 12 trials!
“I was honestly expecting it to take four times as long,” Nan said.
They received their 10th “leg” on May 14, 2016, at the Santa Clara Dog Training Club trial in San Jose, CA.
Nan never intended to even have Jasmine as a pet. Her daughter’s friend asked if he could leave Jasmine with them one day while work was being done on his apartment. He never returned to get her. Nan started taking the pitbull to class just to give her some training so she would be more adoptable – and discovered a very smart dog and great companion.
“I am so very lucky to be blessed by a wonderful ‘unwanted’ dog,” she said.
Jasmine is a member of the AKC Canine Partners program for all dogs, including mixed-breeds.