Good Shepherd’s Anticipation RAE CD PCDX BN owned by Alice Applin of Racine, WI
Good Shepherd’s Anticipation, also known as Hank, is an English Shepherd, a rare breed not yet recognized by the American Kennel Club. Such breeds can enroll with AKC Canine Partners and compete in AKC Companion Events, like Rally.
Hank has earned the top AKC Rally title – Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE).
“Hank earned many perfect scores on this title journey, and we also had some less than perfect performances but every trial was fun for us. I have been training dogs for more than 25 years and I am so pleased to have Hank as my friend and training partner,” Alice said. “Hank and I are proud to be competing in AKC Rally, Obedience and Agility to represent the All American Dogs!”
Hank earned his RAE on Oct. 2, 2016, at the Oshkosh Kennel Club trial.