Nutmeg BN RAE owned by Sarah Kreps of Muncie, IN
Sarah brought Nutmeg home when the pup was 8 weeks old and had no plans to compete with her new dog.
But when the puppy turned a year old, they started taking classes in competition obedience and rally. Nutmeg did so well that they entered their first trial and have been competing in rally for eight years now.
They earned the highest honor in AKC Rally – the Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE) title- at the Muncie Obedience Training Clubs trial on Oct. 10, 2015.
“It's been a fun adventure, and I couldn't be more proud of her,” Sarah said. “Besides doing rally, Nutmeg is a certified therapy dog and loves visiting her friends at the nursing center, and she has recently started Barn Hunt.”
Nutmeg is a member of the AKC Canine Partners program for all dogs, including mixed-breeds and rescues.