Trumpet’s Call To Victory UDX BN RE AX AXJ ACT2 CGC TKA owned by Maria & Ralph Orlando and Victory Hulett of Port Orange, FL
Trumpet, 6 years old, earned her UDX at the Obedience Club of Daytona on December 11, 2021 under AKC Judge Connie Parrish. To earn the prestigious UDX, a dog must qualify 10 times in both Utility and Open B Obedience classes and must have achieved the UD title before pursuing the UDX.
Trumpet loves training, and for her it never stopped during the pandemic. There are plans for more Obedience and Agility as well as Tracking training in her future. In her spare time, she enjoys swimming in her pool, riding shotgun with her dad in his truck, and playing ball. She is an Australian Koolie from Canada.