Jethro Leroy Kromer RAE owned by Brenda Kromer of Punxsutawney, PA
Jethro is a 5-year-old Border Collie/ Cocker Spaniel mix. He and his brother Bo came to live with Brenda as puppies, and Jethro began obedience training when he was 5 months old.
“We enjoyed it so much that we have continued ever since,” Brenda said.
Besides competing in Rally, Jethro serves as a therapy dog with Therapy Dog International and visits the local hospital and nursing home.
In his free time Jethro enjoys playing with his brother, swimming, playing catch with his favorite ball, and napping.
“He also enjoys going for car rides especially when they are to his favorite ice cream shop,” Brenda said.
He entered his first AKC Rally trial in fall 2012 and received the highest honor in AKC Rally – the Rally Advanced Excellent title – on April 25, 2015, at the Butler Dog Training Association trial.
“Our current plans are to continue with rally and start to compete in obedience trials,” Brenda said.
Jethro competes in AKC sports through the AKC Canine Partners program for all dogs, including mixed-breeds and rescues.