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Press Center

Press Center

Pomeranian sitting at a desk with laptop and phone.

The Communications staff is available to assist any working member of the news media. If you are not a journalist and are looking for assistance with AKC papers, registration, finding a breeder, DNA kits or any customer service related inquiries, please call our Customer Service center at: 919-233-9767. Our representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8:15 am – 4:30 pm (EST).

The Communications contacts listed below can only assist members of the media. For urgent media requests, please contact the individuals below, NOT the generic Communications email. General communications questions should be sent to


Brandi Hunter Munden Vice President, Public Relations & Communications 212-696-8220
Jessica Rice D’Amato Director of Public Relations 212-696-8346
Sarah Bank Associate Public Relations Manager 212-696-8253
Jesse Gardner Communications Coordinator 212-696-8231
Kalila Sample Communications Coordinator 212-696-8343

Golden Retriever holding a rolled newspaper in its mouth.