AKC Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE), Chok Dee CD BN RAE THD and Laura Manchester of Hillsdale, NY
Chok Dee is a 9-year-old dog who started his life as a street dog in Bangkok, Thailand.
When he was about a year old, a volunteer veterinarian from Boston came across him while helping a local rescue organization in that city. “She thought he was a great little guy, and knowing the fate that often awaits the tens of thousands of these indigenous dogs, found a way to bring him back to Boston, where she would foster him until he found his forever home,” Laura said.
“Through a chain of almost impossible and improbable coincidences that aligned just so, I found and adopted Chok Dee.” He was about a year old when Laura adopted him and faced many hurdles. “He was very shy and timid and faced cultural challenges in interacting with both humans and other canines.”
“To ease the transition and to build some basic obedience skills, I began working with trainer Charlene Marchand in North Chatham, NY, who has been our champion throughout the years. She has helped me help Chok Dee realize his potential and become a confident, steady, and well-adjusted dog.”
Chok Dee is an active therapy dog through TDI, has his AKC Obedience title of Companion Dog (CD), and earned his RAE title on April 6, 2014.
“Chok Dee means lucky in the Thai language, but I think I am the lucky one in this team.”
To learn more about AKC’s Canine Partners program and how your dog can be like Chok Dee, click here.