Photo by Lauren Dinh – Playful Soul Photography
Lebowski and his feline friends, Maude and Lexy, have been studying on what to expect when their new sibling arrives as mom Kristi Petree is expecting a baby soon! Lebowski, a Labrador-Rhodesian Ridgeback mix, shares live with his cat buddies, Kristi, and dad Aaron Tieman in Irvine, CA.
Ten-year-old “Bowski” is a member of the AKC Canine Partners program and has earned the AKC Canine Good Citizen title. Training your dog for a CGC title is a great way to prepare your dog for the arrival of a baby in the house so the dog knows basic commands like Sit, Down and Stay.
Other ways to prepare your canine companion include:
- Bring home a life-size baby doll that cries and moves and carry it around,
- Purchase a CD with the sounds of infants crying on it and play it occasionally to de-sensitize the dog to that new noise in the house
- If possible, bring home one of the baby’s blankets from the hospital before the baby comes home and let the dog smell it to get used to the new smell
- Go ahead and establish the rules for the nursery. If the dog will not be allowed in the room, begin teaching that in a positive manner before the baby comes home. Perhaps install a baby gait in the door way. Always reward and praise the dog for staying outside the room.