The Road to Orlando: Meet the AKC Agility Invitational Contenders
This is part of a series of profiles on the top six mixed-breed dogs that received invitations to compete in the 2019 AKC Agility Invitational. The annual event takes place Dec. 13-15 in Orlando, FL, in conjunction with the AKC/Royal Canin National Championship and the AKC Obedience Classic.
Call Name: Olive
Age: 9 years
Gender: Female
Jump Height: 16 inches
Owner: Stefanie Hawkins
Hometown: Florence, KY
Stefanie says of Olive: “She was adopted from a shelter in Montana in 2010. She was an Army brat and traveled all around the country, but finally landed in Northern Kentucky in 2015. She is what I call my ‘perfect child.’ It’s a joke with all of our agility friends because Olive is usually really consistent with qualifying every weekend that we are at a trial. She is not a people dog, but she loves food and will go up to anyone at a trial and sit in front of them to wait for a treat. She recently received her MACH 9 at the Agility Club of Indianapolis trial under our friend and judge, Dave Hirsch. Her recent DNA test included traces of Cattle Dog, Sheltie, Lab, Chow, and Husky mixes, as well as a percentage from the herding group! She has quite the personality and really enjoys doing agility on the weekends and hanging out with her Border Collie little brother when she’s at home. This is our second trip to Invitationals, and this time it’s as the #2 All American. I am so lucky to have my best girl with me again and we can’t wait to have a great time in Orlando.”