On Tuesday, May 6, Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue signed into law tough new anti-dog fighting legislation that was supported by the American Kennel Club and the Georgia Canine Coalition. Members of the Georgia Canine Coalition were present for the signing and were congratulated for their hard work on behalf of dogs and responsible dog owners.
The new law makes it a felony to own a dog for fighting, to bet on a dog fight, or to allow a dog fight on one’s premise. It also makes it a misdemeanor on the first offense and a felony on subsequent offenses to be a spectator at a dog fight.
The American Kennel Club supports state laws making any form of participation in organized dog fights a felony. The AKC unequivocally opposes dog fighting and the breeding and/or training of dogs for fighting. The AKC opposes the training of dogs for uncontrolled aggressive behavior toward other dogs and people.
On Tuesday, May 6, Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue signed into law tough new anti-dog fighting…