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On Wednesday, January 13, the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission is expected to take action on its staff’s recommendation that the state’s Licensed Breeders Program be eliminated due to its ineffectiveness, inefficiencies, and costliness.  Eliminating the licensed Breeders Program is among a series of recommendations for programs administered by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR).

Today, AKC has become aware today that  Sunset Advisory Commission member State Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. has proposed that the Licensed Breeders Program recommendation be “severed” from the rest of the TDLR proposal.  This would effectively ensure that the Licensed Breeder Program remains.  See page 6 of the Commission’s Decision Materials.

The American Kennel Club supports reasonable and enforceable laws that protect the welfare and health of dogs and do not restrict the rights of breeders and owners who meet their responsibilities.  We believe sufficient evidence exists to support a conclusion that the Licensed Breeders Program and its underlying legislation are operationally inefficient, ineffective, and insolvent.  Contrary to what proponents of it imply, the underlying law and the Licensed Breeders Program are not the only way to ensure the appropriate care of animals by breeders.  AKC believes no single enforcement strategy or regulatory instrument will achieve all regulatory goals. A multi-pronged approach including stronger enforcement of cruelty laws, cooperation with USDA APHIS, and development of strong consumer protection laws, will likely be more cost effective, flexible, and administratively feasible.

Click here to read AKC’s full August 2020 comment to the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission.

AKC Government Relations will continue to provide updates on this issue as developments warrant.  For more information, contact