Amendments that would insert “commercial dog breeder” regulations into two bills are again on committee agendas for Tuesday (3/28) and Wednesday (3/29). These proposed amendments have not been posted to the state legislative website for review and comment by the citizens who would be affected by this legislation.
Concerned dog owners are urged to immediately contact members of the two committees that are scheduled vote on these amendments and respectfully ask that they do not approve or advance any amendments regarding dog breeder regulations. Please see contact information, below.
The Nashville Kennel Club has procured a copy of the amendment, which would define a “commercial dog breeder” as a person who, during a 12-month period, possesses or maintains 10 or more intact female dogs for the primary purpose of selling their offspring as household pets. The AKC believes that breeders should not be regulated based on the number of intact dogs owned, as this does not necessarily indicate commercial activity. Many dog owners who were designated as “commercial dog breeders” based on their ownership of intact female dogs would be out of compliance with their local zoning codes, even if they only occasionally sold a puppy.
Among other provisions of concern, the amendment seeks to enact unachievable requirements for those designated as “commercial dog breeders” under this problematic definition. Specifically, a person so designated would be required to either be licensed as an animal dealer by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) or must obtain a letter of determination from USDA that a license is not required. It is important to note that USDA does not issue letters of determination.
The Senate Commerce and Labor Committee is scheduled to consider amendments to Senate Bill 283 on Tuesday (3/28), 1:30 p.m., in Legislative Plaza Room 12.
The House Consumer and Human Resources Committee is scheduled to consider amendments to House Bill 120 on Wednesday (3/29), 10:30 a.m., in Legislative Plaza Room 30. HB 120 is the only item on the agenda.
What you can do:
Contact members of both committees and respectfully ask them to vote “no” on any bill that is amended to include dog breeder regulations.
Senate Commerce and Labor Committee (Senate Bill 283):
Sen. Jack Johnson, Chair, (615) 741-2495,
Sen. Mark Green, 1st Vice Chair, (615) 741-2374,
Sen. Kerry Roberts, 2nd Vice Chair, (615) 741-4499,
Sen. Dolores R. Gresham, (615) 741-2368,
Sen. Bill Ketron, (615) 741-6853,
Sen. Reginald Tate, (615) 741-2509,
Sen. Jim Tracy, (615) 741-1066,
Sen. Bo Watson, (615) 741-3227,
Sen. Ken Yager, (615) 741-1449,
House Consumer and Human Resources Committee (House Bill 120):
Rep. Jimmy Eldridge, Chair, (615) 741-7475,
Rep. Mark Pody, Vice Chair, (615) 741-7086,
Rep. Glen Casada, (615) 741-4389,
Rep. Jimmy Matlock, (615) 741-3736,
Rep. Rick Staples, (615) 741-0768,
Rep. Dwayne Thompson, (615) 741-1920,
Rep. Mark White, (615) 741-4415,
Rep. Susan Lynn, (615) 741-7462, (sponsor of HB 120)
For more information, please contact AKC Government Relations at or 919-816-3645.