Tomorrow (Tuesday, April 27), the California Assembly Business and Professions Committee will be considering Assembly Bill 702 – a bill that would establish onerous permits for ALL California dog breeders (including co-owners, stud dog owners, etc.) and requirements including business licenses that may be impossible to obtain if you live in a residential setting or could put you out of compliance with state law.
AKC will be providing lead opponent testimony in the hearing tomorrow, and we need the help of ALL California dog breeders and enthusiasts, parent clubs, and California clubs/club members to make the voice of hobbyists, exhibitors, and dog owners heard!
This is your opportunity to stop anti-breeder legislation targeted specifically at California hobby breeders. Because of the pandemic, the committee is asking people not to come to Sacramento for the hearing, but has provided a way for people to call in to express their opinions.
AKC asks parent clubs, California clubs, and California breeders and concerned California residents to make one phone call tomorrow from your home or work to tell the committee you oppose the bill – even if you have already called the members!
What do I need to do?
1) Tomorrow at 9am Pacific/Noon Eastern, visit this link to watch the Assembly Business and Professions Committee:
2) A phone number will appear on the screen. Call that number at any time during the hearing but no later than when the committee begins discussing AB 702. Right now, the bill is the fifth bill on the agenda, but be listening closely for when they announce discussion on the bill, as the order could change.
3) Mute your computer and listen to the hearing on your phone (you will be on hold, but able to hear the hearing on your phone). There is a 40-second lag between video and phone, so this is why it is essential that you call no later than when the committee begins discussion on the bill.
4) As soon as the chairman asks if anyone wishes to speak in OPPOSITION, follow the prompts you are given (the moderator will say “All those wishing to testify in opposition, please press (a number will be provided) now”. DO NOT push the numbers until they ask for OPPOSITION testimony on AB 702.
5) Listen for your number. When you press the number to register your desire to be an opponent, you will be assigned a number.
6) When they say your number, clearly ONLY state the following (no further comments will be permitted):
- Your name
- Your location OR club affiliation – not both. Pick only one club affiliation (for example, if you are a member of both a local club and parent club, mention the California club – particularly if your club name includes a city or region in the name).
- Your opposition
For example: My name is Jennifer Smith from Los Angeles (or state your club name) and I oppose Assembly Bill 702.
Again, no further comments will be permitted. See AKC’s previous alert for instructions on how to submit written comments to the committee.
7) Throughout the hearing, listen to the committee moderator for any changes or further instructions.
Why does this phone call matter?
We thank the hundreds of clubs and breeders who have already taken the time to contact the committee. Making this phone call tomorrow will remind the committee that many California residents oppose this bill. NUMBERS MATTER. We know animal rights activists will be calling in, and we need you – responsible breeders, exhibitors, and dog owners in the state, and parent clubs – to help us show the committee how many California residents and clubs oppose this bill.
This is especially essential if you are a constituent of a committee member – so they can hear the voices of people in their district who oppose this bill (View AKC’s previous alert to see if your Assembly Member is on the committee). However, it is just as important that the committee hear from people across California so they can hear the broad opposition to this bill.
AKC will continue to provide updates. For more information, contact