A California Senate committee will be considering a bill on August 8 that seeks to further clarify the 2017 law that limited consumer choice in the state by banning the sales of dogs and cats at pet stores, unless they are sourced from a shelter or rescue.
As introduced, Assembly Bill 2152 implemented a total ban on the sale of dogs and cats by pet stores, stating they may only provide space to showcase animals for adoption. To further clarify this, the bill said that these animals may not be sourced from any rescue affiliated with a breeder in any way. While AKC understands the concern with “retail rescue” and entities falsely identifying as rescues, we expressed concerns with the implication that breeders should not be involved with rescue work.
The bill under consideration in the Senate Business, Professions, and Economic Development has been amended to, among other changes, remove these restrictions. It states that any rescue group sourcing to a pet store may not breed animals. In other words, it bans rescues from breeding, but no longer includes the provisions preventing breeders being affiliated with a rescue.
The AKC appreciates this important clarification.
AKC continues to express concerns with the underlying law, which limits consumer choice and eliminates consumer protection without truly ensuring the health and welfare of dogs in California. Read AKC’s position statement on Pet Choice for more talking points.
What You Can Do:
The amended version of Assembly Bill 2152 is scheduled to be considered by the Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee on August 8. Those who wish to comment may contact the committee:
Steven Glazer, Chair
Capitol Phone: (916)651-4007
Email: senator.glazer@senate.ca.gov
Ling Ling Chang, Vice Chair
Capitol Phone: (916)651-4029
Email: senator.chang@senate.ca.gov
Bob Archuleta
Capitol Phone: (916)651-4032
Email: senator.archuleta@senate.ca.gov
Bill Dodd
Capitol Phone: (916)651-4003
Email: senator.dodd@senate.ca.gov
Cathleen Galgiani
Capitol Phone: (916)651-4005
Email: senator.galgiani@senate.ca.gov
Jerry Hill
Capitol Phone: (916)651-4013
Email: senator.hill@senate.ca.gov
Connie Leyva
Capitol Phone: (916)651-4020
Email: senator.leyva@senate.ca.gov
Richard Pan
Capitol Phone: (916)651-4006
Email: senator.pan@senate.ca.gov
Scott Wilk
Capitol Phone: (916)651-4021
Email: swilk@wilkforca.com
AKC Government Relations will continue to monitor this bill and provide updates as available. For more information, contact AKC GR at doglaw@akc.org.