The Nevada Legislature and the governor are considering several bills impacting dog owners as the session nears its end.
To see the complete list visit the AKC legislative tracker in the AKC Legislative Action Center at AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) will continue to provide updates and alerts on these and other bills that could impact you.
Bills Supported by AKC:
- Assembly Bill 86 – Corporations for the prevention of cruelty to animals: enforcement of laws.
Status: Passed Assembly; Missed deadline for passage in the Senate, bill will not advance.
Summary: This bill would have updated state animal cruelty laws in a thoughtful and measured way that eschewed one-size-fits-all mandates. Unfortunately, the bill will not become law this year, but AKC enthusiastically thanks the bill’s sponsor, Assemblywoman Melissa Hardy, for her tireless work on the proposal and for her engagement with stakeholders, including AKC. We look forward to working with Assemblywoman Hardy and other stakeholders in the next session
to ensure the protection for both animals and responsible animal owners. We thank Assemblymember Hardy for her willingness to work with us.
What You Can Do: If you would like to thank Assemblywoman Hardy for her efforts to protect animals and responsible owners, you can do so at
- Senate Bill 331 – Pet-Friendly Emergency Shelters.
Status: Passed the Senate and Assembly, awaiting further action in the Senate.
Summary: This bill would require cities and subdivisions to designate at least one emergency shelters in their jurisdiction that can accommodate people and their pets. People not being able to find a place for their pets during an emergency is one of the biggest barriers in preventing people from taking refuge when needed. AKC has testified in support of the proposal.
What You Can Do: This bill is awaiting further action as session nears its end. Please send your support for the Senate to action on the bill to Senate Majority Leader at In your message, be sure to include that many Nevadans have pets, and they should not be a barrier to people trying to protect themselves and their families during an emergency.
Other Bills of Note:
- Senate Bill 269 – Revises provisions related to animal cruelty.
Status: Passed the Senate and Assembly; delivered to governor.
Summary: This bill originally sought to limit the use of tethering during extreme heat and cold warnings issued by the National Weather Service. AKC met with the sponsor and expressed concerns over the “one-size-fits-all” nature of this proposal and the negative impact it could have on some dogs. The bill was amended to solely reduce the amount of time a dog could be tethered from 14 hours to 10 hours over a 24-hour period. AKC appreciates the bill’s sponsor, Senator James Ohrenschall, for being willing to meet with AKC GR staff and amend the bill.
What You Can Do: If you would like to comment on the bill, you can do by contacting Governor Joe Lombardo here or at (775) 684-5670.
- Senate Bill 190 – Revises provisions relating to the liability of certain persons for protecting or removing a child or pet from a motor vehicle.
Status: Unanimously passed the Senate; missed deadline in the Assembly, bill will not advance.
Summary: This bill aimed to reduce liability of members of the public who break into vehicles to remove unattended children or pets. AKC suggested amendments to the sponsor to ensure clarity and prevent unintended consequences.
What You Can Do: No action required.
AKC Government Relations continues to monitor bills in Nevada impacting dog owners and will provide updates. For questions or more information, contact AKC GR at