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The California Legislature transmitted a bill to the governor that as amended requires all California dog trainers to disclose certain cruelty convictions and civil judgements to all clients.

Those who wish may contact the governor regarding this bill may do so in one of the following manners:

Online form
Telephone: (916) 558-3160

This bill originally sought to regulate all trainers as boarding facilities and included 13 pages of new requirements.

Thanks to the overwhelming response from dog trainers across the state, the bill was significantly amended to now simply require disclosure of a trainer’s name and address, as well as any civil judgements or animal cruelty convictions (read AKC’s previous alert for more information).

AKC thanks the author, Assemblyman Nazarian, for his willingness to amend this bill to address our concerns.

AKC Government Relations continues to monitor all bills impacting California dog owners.  For more information, contact AKC GR at