Two proposed ordinances seek to significantly amend Collier County, FL, animal laws and establish overreaching requirements for dog owners, breeders, trainers, groomers, and animal-related businesses.
The ordinances will be discussed at the Collier County Domestic Animal Services Ordinance Workshop today at 3:00 p.m. at the Collier County Government Center, 3299 Tamiami Trail East, 3rd Floor, Naples, FL 34112. All county animal owners are urged to attend.
The proposed ordinances would expand current extensive requirements for dog breeders (including home-based hobby breeders), pet owners, and animal-related businesses in the county. Provisions of the ordinances would also affect every individual who might wish to transfer, give away, or sell a dog.
Among many egregious provisions, a home-based breeder would not be permitted to keep and raise puppies within the home if there are carpets, wall coverings, and other family-friendly surfaces unless a written disinfection plan is submitted to the animal services division. All home-based breeders would be subject to unannounced quarterly inspections. It is unclear if inspections would also be authorized for any animal owner who is suspected of a violation of any provision of the animal ordinance.
Shelters and rescue organizations would continue to be exempted from providing the standards of animal care, veterinary care, record keeping, and compliance with consumer protection provisions that the proposed ordinances seek to require for individuals, breeders, and animal businesses in the county.
The workshop is held at the direction of the Board of County Commissioners for staff to receive input from the community on the ordinance language. Staff will work with the County Attorney’s Office and take the revised language to the Animal Services Advisory Board prior to taking it to the Board of County Commissioners for a public hearing.
The proposed ordinances can be viewed in the agenda packet for the February 25, 2020, Board of County Commissioners meeting on pages 94-180. The file may take several minutes to download.
For more information, please contact AKC Government Relations at or 919-816-3720.