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Thursday, May 23, 2019

Since early this year, the Connecticut General Assembly has been pressed to adopt HB 5386, which originally sought to prohibit pet stores from sourcing dogs or cats from anywhere but animal shelters and rescues.  This would be similar to a 2018 law enacted in California.

In March, a legislative committee significantly amended HB 5386.  Instead of its original sourcing restrictions, the amendment directed the Commissioner of Agriculture to study the consequences of the California law.  Click here to review our prior update.  The American Kennel Club is aware of ongoing concerns resulting from the California law.

Because the Connecticut Legislature’s 2019 session is expected to adjourn on June 5, the amended version of HB 5386 will likely be scheduled for consideration by the full House of Representatives.  However, several members of the House have filed an amendment to again restrict all retail outlets from selling animals, except displaying animals available for adoption from animal shelters and rescues.

WHAT YOU CAN DO: Connecticut residents are encouraged to contact their member of the House of Representatives and ask them to vote “NO” on amendment #7636 to HB 5386 because it limits consumer choice and would incentivize an underground economy for pet purchases.

To identify your member of the House of Representatives and their contact information go to


AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) will provide additional information as developments warrant.  For more information, contact AKC GR at