The Ulster County Legislature is considering a proposal that would regulate hobby breeders in the county and could vote as early as tomorrow (Tuesday, August 18).
County residents are urged to contact the legislature immediately and urge them to not allow this proposal to pass as it is currently written. Type in your address on the Ulster County website to find the name and contact information for your County Legislator. Click here to find the full list of legislators and their phone numbers.
Current New York state law allows localities to regulate “pet dealers”, which the state defines as those who sell more than 9 dogs in a year. Current state law also exempts breeders who raise 25 or fewer on their property.
The proposal in Ulster County would remove this exemption and impose several new problematic regulations. Local breeders and hobbyists are encouraged to review the proposal for a full list of requirements. AKC is concerned with several provisions, including:
Problematic standards of care not in the best interest of dogs. Most of the minimum standards of care contained in this proposal are reasonable. We are concerned, however, that some of the specific requirements are not appropriate for certain breeds. For example, the required temperature range between 50 and 85 degrees does not meet the needs for all dogs. Some breeds thrive and prefer temperatures outside these ranges. In some cases, it is also important for young puppies just whelped to be kept at warmer temperatures for their protection. Likewise, anyone who meets the definition of breeder must also provide unfettered access to an outside exercise area. This does not appear to allow for exceptions when the area is being cleaned or the weather is not appropriate for dogs to be outside. Instead of rigid “one size fits all” criteria, AKC recommends that kennels not be kept in conditions that jeopardize the health and safety of the dogs.
Definitions impacting home-based breeders. The definitions contained in this proposal would impact those who breed and raise dogs in their homes – even those who may breed only one or two litters a year. This is a much broader definition than that in state law and as such would prove a significant expense of time and resources for the county. It would also subject those who are truly hobby breeders to the same requirements as commercial breeders, including opening up their private homes for inspections.
Allowance for inspections to be carried out by local animal welfare organizations. This would potentially require residents to open their homes for inspection by local animal groups rather than law enforcement officials. The AKC believes that since the purpose of the inspections are to enforce county laws; it is not appropriate for private groups or non-law enforcement entities to conduct those inspections.
The AKC believes the proposal as currently written will be very costly and difficult to enforce, and many provisions are not in the best interest of dogs or those who responsibly raise dogs in their homes. Residents are urged to contact the county legislature immediately and ask them to not proceed with this proposal as it currently stands.
The Ulster County Legislature is considering a proposal that would regulate hobby breeders in the county and could vote as early as tomorrow (Tuesday, August 18).
County residents are urged to contact the legislature immediately and urge them to not allow this proposal to pass as it is currently written.