As the official journal of the sport of purebred dogs, the monthly AKC Gazette hasn’t missed an issue since 1889. For those with an abiding interest in exhibiting dogs as a sport, hobby, or profession, the digital Gazette is the AKC’s premium resource—written for, and mostly by, the American dog fancy. Each issue is steeped in our sport’s honored traditions but wired with interactive features—video, slideshows, links, social media—that help tell Gazette stories in ways that no print publication could.
If you are a purebred dog fancier visiting this page for the first time, congratulations—you’ve hit the mother lode!
In every issue of the Gazette, you will find:
- The oft-imitated, never duplicated “Breed Columns” section, featuring articles about the breeding, exhibiting, well-being, behavior, conditioning, and training of the AKC breeds, written by experts from the AKC parent clubs.
- The “Secretary’s Page,” reporting the official business of the AKC, its Board of Directors, and the Delegate Body. You won’t find this in any other publication.
- “Ringside” coast-to-coast dog-show coverage submitted by the sport’s top photographers.
- “Updates” from AKC programs, departments, and events of interest to serious fanciers, plus an exclusive message from the AKC President.
- Generous selections from the Gazette’s vintage photo collection; in-depth features celebrating our fabulous purebreds; and, each month, an amusing new “Dog People” caricature.
All this, absolutely free! Click here to receive the monthly AKC Gazette via e-mail. And join the ongoing conversation where fanciers gather, the AKC Gazette Facebook page.
AKC Gazette Back Issues
The The AKC Digital Library houses a complete run of the AKC Gazette, beginning in 1889.
The AKC Gazette is the official journal of the sport of purebred dogs, and hasn’t missed an issue since 1889. Read the current AKC Gazette issue, sign up to receive new issues via e-mail, and browse 10 years of back issues on AKC.org.