A Community Meeting is scheduled for October 22, 2018, in Nashville, TN to discuss an ordinance that could limit dog breeding to lots of 10 acres and larger, establish licensing and fees, and require compliance with requirements to be written by the Board of Health. Concerned citizens are urged to attend.
This ordinance could potentially impact every person in Nashville/Davidson County who breeds a litter of puppies and every person who might wish to acquire a puppy from a local, home-based breeder. If passed, it could potentially end most home-based and hobby dog breeding in the metro area.
Bill BL2018-1371 has passed on first reading. It seeks to expand the definition of “kennel” by adding: A kennel is an establishment for the breeding of dogs and subject to the license and fee requirements of Chapter 8.04 administered by the Board of Health.
“Establishment” is not defined. The ordinance would also require: The minimum lot size for a kennel shall be ten (10) acres.
Further, under current law, a “kennel” is allowed only on land zoned for agriculture and conditionally on certain categories of commercial property. Kennels are not allowed on residential property.
Kennels are further subject to requirements that include but are not limited to: No part of any building or structure in which animals are housed shall be closer than two hundred feet, and no kennel run shall be located within one hundred feet, from any existing residence, other than one owned or occupied by an owner or operator of the kennel or stable. Floors of buildings, runs and walls shall be of an impervious material to permit proper cleaning and disinfecting. Each run must have at least a six-foot high fence completely surrounding it. The drainage of all liquid by-products from the kennel shall be discharged into a permitted sanitary sewer line or septic tank.
Please note that in other communities, ordinances of this nature are frequently accompanied by pet limit laws.
What you can do:
- Attend the meeting and participate in the discussion. The meeting is scheduled for one hour, which could result in limited opportunities to speak. Concerned citizens are encouraged to arrive early.
Meeting Information:
Date: October 22, 2018
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m
Location: Cane Ridge Community Center, 6043 Cane Ridge Road, Antioch, TN 37013
Click here for additional meeting information and map.
- Call and email Metro Council members to express your concerns. Contact information is available at https://www.nashville.gov/Metro-Council/Metro-Council-Members.aspx. An online form can be used to send a message to all council members or to an individual council member.
- Plan to attend an additional public hearing at the Metro Council meeting on November 6, 2018.
For additional information, please contact AKC Government Relations at 919-816-3720 or doglaw@akc.org.