UPDATE: The February 6, 2024, meeting of the South Carolina House Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Environmental Affairs Committee has been rescheduled to February 13, 2024. This allows an additional week for resident dog owners to contact committee members in support of the legislation below.
South Carolina House Bill 4611 seeks to make it an offense for a person to intentionally remove or destroy an electronic collar or other electronic device that was placed on a dog by its owner.
H 4611 is on the agenda of the House Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Environmental Affairs Committee for Tuesday afternoon, February 6, 2024. South Carolina dog owners are encouraged to contact committee members and express your support for H 4611.
The American Kennel Club (AKC) supports this bill, which will help lost dogs be identified and reunited with their owners by making it a misdemeanor for a person who does not own a dog to remove or destroy the dog’s electronic collar, such as a GPS collar, electronic containment collar, pet tracking tag, or similar device.
What You Can Do:
Contact committee members prior to their meeting on the afternoon of February 6 and ask them to vote yes on House Bill 4611. You may also wish to thank the members of the committee who are among the sponsors of H 4611: Rep. William Hixon, Rep. Donald Chapman, and Rep. Gary Brewer.
SC House Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Environmental Affairs Committee
Rep. William Hixon, Chair, BillHixon@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6898
Rep. Patrick Haddon, 1st Vice Chair, PatrickHaddon@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6962
Rep. Josiah Magnuson, 2nd Vice Chair, JosiahMagnuson@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6876
Rep. Lucas Atkinson, LucasAtkinson@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6936
Rep. Heather Bauer, HeatherBauer@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6943
Rep. Gary Brewer, GaryBrewer@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6948
Rep. James Burns, MikeBurns@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6891
Rep. Donald Chapman, DonaldChapman@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6919
Rep. William Chumley, BillChumley@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6894
Rep. Cally Forrest, CalForrest@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6938
Rep. Daniel Gibson, NormanGibson@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6814
Rep. David Hiott, DavidHiott@schouse.gov, (803) 734-3022
Rep. Robert May, RJMay@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6726
Rep. D. Ryan McCabe, RyanMcCabe@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6728
Rep. Annie McDaniel, AnnieMcDaniel@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6789
Rep. T. Alan Morgan, AlanMorgan@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6881
Rep. James Neese, MikeNeese@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6937
Rep. Ashley Trantham, AshleyTrantham@schouse.gov, (803) 212-6966
For additional information, please contact AKC Government Relations at 919-816-3645 or pvs@akc.org.