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The AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) team continues to track and report on legislative changes driven by the COVID-19 pandemic.  The calendars of all state legislatures not already adjourned have been impacted by these changes.  AKC GR is maintaining a detailed online list, updated a minimum of daily, of those changes.

The Status of Legislatures Impacted by COVID-19 page may be viewed at  We encourage you to check this page regularly for updates.

AKC GR would like you to rest assured that we will continue to track and alert you to legislative changes that may impact you and our beloved dogs.  We will continue to contact you via legislative alerts, which are posted online at and on our Legislation Action Center at, and distributed via email.

We urge you to stay safe and will provide you with email and phone contacts necessary for any urgent legislative communication.

The AKC GR team remains available at (919) 816-3720 and, and on Twitter at