May 4, 2017
Please share this information with sporting dog owners, field trial participants, hunters, and sportsmen in Alabama.
The deadline to submit comments on a proposed rule change that would restrict field trials in Alabama is tomorrow, May 5, at 10:00 a.m.
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries has proposed an amendment to its administrative code, rule 220-2-.17. The proposed amendment includes provisions that would:
- Limit the number of permits for organized field trials to three (3) permits per organization per year.
- Require payment of a $50 administration fee for each permit.
- Require applicants for permits to submit the name of the organization; name of the organization’s manager; the organization manager’s driver’s license number, social security number, and date of birth; and additional addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
- Make it a violation for a resident or non-resident of Alabama to participate in any organized field trial without a hunting license unless approved in writing by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and conducted pursuant to a valid permit from the Department.
- Provide that if the organization receives a permit, the shooter or person bearing the gun will not be required to have a hunting license.
- Require applicants to provide the physical address or GPS coordinates of the field trial.
- Prohibit organized field trials on Wildlife Management Areas and Open Permit-Public Land. (Open Permit Public Land is defined in rule 220.2-.85(2) as governmentally owned land open for public hunting and/or lands made available to the public on an individual basis whether for a fee or not. Examples of such lands would be national forest lands, lands owned by lumber companies and utility companies available for use by hunters either through free permits, fee permits or no permit requirements.)
- Provide that organized field trials may be held at the Barnett Lawley Field Trial Facility.
Comments on the proposed rule amendment should be addressed to the Director of the Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries and can be sent by email to or by fax to (334) 242-3032. Comments are due prior to 10:00 a.m. on Friday, May 5, 2017.
The contact person at the state agency is Chuck Sykes, Director, Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, (334) 242-3465.
Please note, this is a proposed regulatory rule change—not a new law.
For questions or more information, please contact AKC Government Relations at (919) 816-3720 or