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An amended New Hampshire Senate Bill 268, passed by the State Senate, has been scheduled for a public hearing on March 29 before the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee.

The bill would allow transportation of and pre-hospital treatment for police, search and rescue, accelerant-detection, and comfort dogs injured in the line of duty if no human would need transport or ambulance services. View details in this alert.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) values the contribution that working and detection dogs make to national security and the extraordinary role that these dogs play in protecting the peace and security of individuals, communities, and nations against extremist threats. Access to high quality purebred dogs to perform these functions is a key example of the importance of breeding purebred dogs. Supporting amended SB 268 is one way to honor the breeders, trainers, and handlers of these dogs and ensure that specialized care is provided to assure the wellbeing of these dogs.

WHAT YOU CAN DO: New Hampshire residents are strongly encouraged to register support of SB 268, as amended, prior to the March 29 scheduled hearing.

  1. Click on the House sign-in form here.
  2. Fill in your name and contact information and select the March 29 hearing date.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select “House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee.”
  4. Choose the bill, “2:30pm – SB 268”.
  5. Register as “I am” – “A member of the public” and indicate your support.
  6. If you wish, you may also add comments or upload a file with testimony.
  7. Click “submit’.

Consider including the following talking points:

  • Breeding programs produce high quality dogs that are valuable assets when trained for drug, bomb, and arson detection, as well as tracking to locate missing persons or fugitives.
  • Emergency medical care providers have skills that can prevent prolonged suffering from any injury sustained while working.
  • Support amended SB 268 so working dogs can receive the emergency treatment and transport they deserve.

For more information on these or other legislative issues in New Hampshire, contact AKC’s Government Relations Department at 919-816-3720 or; or the Dog Owners of the Granite State at