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The American Kennel Club (AKC) has learned that House Bill 485 will be voted on in the House Agriculture Committee tomorrow morning, March 17, 2022.  The committee meets at 9:15 a.m.  It is imperative that Alabama dog owners contact the committee and urge them to not advance HB 485 as currently worded.

AKC is concerned that HB 485, as introduced, does not adequately protect the constitutional rights and privileges of dog owners.  Among other provisions, HB 438 would allow law enforcement and animal control officers to initiate an investigation and confiscate a dog if the dog “has been suspected of harassing, harming, or killing livestock” while not on the premises of the owner.  This empowers an enforcement official to unilaterally confiscate an animal without court authorization.

Further, the bill would make it a criminal offense for the owner of a dog that is the subject of an investigation to refuse to surrender the dog “upon request,” and significantly increases a dog owner’s liability for damages to livestock caused by the dog.

While AKC agrees that owners should not allow their dogs to be at-large, we strongly believe that dog owners must be afforded substantive and procedural due process protections.

 What you can do:

Alabama dog owners: Immediately contact members of the House Agriculture Committee and respectfully request “please do not advance HB 438 unless it is amended to protect the due process rights of dog owners.”  Voice mail boxes at the capitol for some legislators are full, so sending emails this evening may be more effective.

Alabama House Agriculture Committee

Rep. Danny Crawford, (334)261-0516,
Rep. Will Dismukes, (334)261-0499,
Rep. Joe Faust, (334)261-0409,
Rep. Bob Fincher, (334)261-0538,
Rep. Dexter Grimsley, (334)261-0513,
Rep. Tommy Hanes, (334)261-0551,
Rep. Ralph Howard, (334)261-0559,
Rep. Steve Hurst, (334)261-0415,
Rep. Reed Ingram, (334)261-0507,
Rep. Thomas Jackson, (334)261-0437,
Rep. A.J. McCampbell, (334)261-0547,
Rep. Ed Oliver, (334)261-0471,
Rep. Ginny Shaver, (334)261-0413,
Rep. Jeff Sorrells, (334)261-0542,
Rep. Rodney Sullivan, (334)261-0403,

For additional information, please contact AKC Government Relations at 919-816-3720 or