On Tuesday, February 14, the Maine Joint Committee on Health Coverage, Insurance, and Financial Services has scheduled a public hearing on LD 350, An Act to Prevent Dog Breed Discrimination by Insurance Companies. The bill would amend Maine’s insurance law to prohibit the cancellation or nonrenewal of a property insurance policy solely on the basis of a policyholder’s ownership of a certain breed of dog, and prohibit increases in the premium for a dog owner’s policy.
The American Kennel Club (AKC) is grateful the committee is considering policy that will protect the rights of responsible dog owners while still ensuring good practices in insurance underwriting. Ownership of dogs that match vague physical characteristics are consistently discriminated against regardless of their parentage in relation to housing, insurance, and re-homing. AKC takes exception to generalizations based on “type” of dog, regardless of whether or not the dog is a problem in the community. For these reasons, AKC supports LD 350.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: Maine residents are encouraged to email the committee with their support before February 14.
- Email your comments to HCIFS@legislature.maine.gov.
- In the subject line, type “Support for LD 350 preventing dog breed discrimination”
- Share any experience you have had being denied insurance or charged higher premiums based on the breed of dog owned.
- Be certain to provide your name and address.
Maine residents who would like to offer oral testimony are also encouraged to attend the February 14, 2023, meeting in person or virtually. The meeting is scheduled to start at 1:30PM in the Cross Building, Room 220, at 100 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333. Those interested in testifying virtually may register to testify over Zoom using the testimony submission portal (https://www.mainelegislature.org/testimony/). Registration is required no later than 1PM. Once complete, you will receive additional information regarding a Zoom meeting link that can be used to join the meeting remotely during the public hearing.
For more information on these or other legislative issues in Maine, contact AKC’s Government Relations Department at 919-816-3720 or doglaw@akc.org.