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The Louisiana state legislature adjourned on June 3, 2024, with positive results for dogs, dog owners, and individuals who rely on service animals. The American Kennel Club Government Relations department (AKC GR) monitored 20 Louisiana bills of interest, which included:

 Supported by AKC, Enacted

 Senate Bill 476 criminalizes the use of bait dogs in training dogs for dog fighting. AKC GR proposed an amendment to clarify and strengthen the definition of “bait dog” to include any dog abused as a bait dog, regardless of its temperament. SB 476 was signed by Governor Jeff Landry as Act No. 359, and takes effect 8/1/24.

 Supported by AKC, Executive Action Pending

House Bill 407, among other provisions, seeks to prohibit healthcare providers from producing documentation relating to the need for a support animal unless they satisfy requirements that would include a therapeutic relationship with the individual, prohibit misrepresentation of service dogs, and limit liability for owners and lessors for damages caused by a service dog or support animal. AKC GR supports the bill as amended and passed by the legislature. HB 407 was sent to Governor Landry on 6/3/24 for executive action.

 Additional Legislation Enacted

House Bill 213 reenacts and amends the crime of negligent homicide and provides for increased penalties when a person is killed by a dog or other animal and the owner is criminally negligent. AKC monitored this bill throughout the amendatory and legislative process. HB 213 was signed by Governor Landry as Act No. 261 and takes effect 8/1/24.

Looking Ahead to the 2025 Legislative Session 

Both positive and problematic bills that did not advance in 2024 could be redrafted and refiled for the 2025 session. Take time now to prepare for advocacy. Meet with your state senator and representative in your district and let them know that you, your AKC club, and AKC GR are reliable and knowledgeable resources on dog issues.

Stay Informed

By working together, we can protect our rights to own, exhibit, breed, and enjoy the dogs we love by supporting good legislation and opposing problematic bills. View AKC’s Legislative Action Center at where you can find information on key issues affecting dogs and access downloadable fact sheets and advocacy resources.

For information and assistance from AKC GR, please email