Starting at 1pm on Monday, April 19, 2021, three animal bills that have favorably passed the New Hampshire House of Representatives will be considered by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. The American Kennel Club (AKC) strongly encourages those who reside in New Hampshire to contact the committee right away to express support.
1:10pm: HB 249 clarifies the requirements that animal shelters must meet when transferring dogs, including positive identification and rabies vaccination requirements. It also requires that shelters contact a microchip owner of record as soon as possible, and within 72 hours, alert the owner that their animal has been taken in and is available to be reclaimed.
1:20pm: HB 250 would increase, from 25 to 35, the number of dogs a person could transfer in one year before needing to obtain a state pet vendor license. It also seeks to end a statutory dilemma by providing “grandfather” protection to those who previously not did meet the pre-2019 requirements for licensure as a pet vendor (50 dogs transferred) but intend to transfer more than the current number that requires a license, by providing an opportunity to apply to the commissioner for an exemption from licensure as a pet vendor if certain criteria are met.
1:30pm: HB 338 would increase the penalty for stealing a dog from a mere misdemeanor to a class B felony for anyone guilty of second offense, and a class A felony for each subsequent offense.
It would also make the tampering or removal of a collar or microchip a misdemeanor crime. These changes would act as a deterrent to the theft of dogs in order to sell them for profit and the obstruction of legitimate working and hunting dogs.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: New Hampshire residents are strongly encouraged to email the committee to express support for these bills. Anyone wishing to speak on Monday, April 19, 2021, register your position on a bill and/or submit testimony, may do so by clicking here. First, select April 19, 2021, on the calendar. Then click on the “Senate Energy and Resources Committee” and select the bill you want to support from the drop-down menu. Last, pick your position as “I support this bill” and enter your contact information.
If you also registered to speak from the website, you can join the April 19, 2021, meeting at this Zoom Link: You will be called to speak at the appropriate time.
For more information on these or other legislative issues in New Hampshire, contact AKC’s Government Relations Department at 919-816-3720 or; or the Dog Owners of the Granite State at