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The Michigan House of Representatives has passed House Bill 5095, which seeks to limit the number of dogs that can be kept on a single premises and defines “large scale commercial breeder kennel” based on the number of intact female dogs someone owns, rather than actual breeding and sales.

Click here for more information and to view AKC’s previous Legislative Alert on MI HB 5095.

The Michigan Legislature is expected to wrap up this week, so this bill could move very quickly. Michigan residents are urged to contact their Senator and ask them to OPPOSE House Bill 5095 and its companion Senate Bill 560 as currently written. Visit the Michigan Legislature web site for a full contact list for the Senators, or click here to find the contact information for your State Senator. When contacting them, be sure to mention you are a Michigan resident (or constituent when contacting your Senator).

For more information, contact the Michigan Association for Pure-Bred Dogs at You may also contact AKC’s Government Relations Department at (919) 816-3720, or email

The Michigan House of Representatives has passed House Bill 5095, which seeks to limit…