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Recently, two Connecticut General Assembly Joint Committees separately voted to advance dog-related bills with amendments favorable to Connecticut’s responsible dog breeders and owners.  Both the American Kennel Club (AKC) and the Connecticut Federation of Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners (CFDRDO) expressed concerns with the original text of both bills.

  • SB 1069, relative to kennels and domestic dog laws, raised multiple concerns for kennel owners and those who groom dogs for exhibition. In response to AKC’s alert, many Connecticut dog owners submitted testimony to the Joint Environment Committee requesting changes. Both AKC and CFDRDO testified before the committee, which approved an amended SB 1069 that:
  1. Preserves the state’s current definition of “kennel,” which allows the breeding of dogs for show, sport, or sale.
  2. Does not expand the definition of “grooming facility” to include those doing business in “any vehicle or trailer”. As a result, such operators would not be required to obtain a grooming facility license.
  3. Still uses the word “facility” when referring to a hobby breeder kennel license. Facility, however, is not specifically defined.

AKC and CFDRDO are deeply grateful to Representative Dubitsky who secured a commitment from leadership to work with AKC, CFDRDO, and the Department of Agriculture to further clarify the bill’s text in a way that does not hamstring hobby breeders.

  • Potentially prohibiting animal husbandry practices like artificial insemination was the basis of concerns raised by individual veterinarians, AKC, and CFDRDO of HB 6714. The bill, in part, seeks to redefine the state’s bestiality statute.  The Judiciary Committee voted favorably on an amended HB 6714 that ensures that bona fide veterinary and animal husbandry purposes would not be inadvertently banned.

AKC is grateful for the Joint Committees’ receptivity and response to the concerns raised. Appreciation is also extended to the Connecticut club members and dog owners who contacted the committees. AKC will continue to advocate for SB 1069 changes and monitor amended HB 6714 as it progresses.

For more information on these or other legislative issues in Connecticut, contact AKC’s Government Relations Department at 919-816-3720 or