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Bills in New Jersey that would significantly restrict the ability of pet owners to obtain a puppy of their choice and restrict and some hobby breeders, have been reassigned to a new committee and are scheduled for a hearing on Monday, November 14. 

AKC urges those who breed or sell dogs in New Jersey, or have obtained a dog from a New Jersey breeder to share their concerns with the proposals at the hearing Monday afternoon.  Even if you do not wish to speak, is imperative for the committee to see the number of people that will be negatively impacted by these proposals.  Scroll down for committee hearing and contact information.


Senate Bill 63 and Assembly Bill 2338 will significantly restrict the ability of dog lovers who breed, sell, or wish to purchase a dog in New Jersey.  Both were assigned to the Assembly Agriculture Committee. However, in a quick procedural action, this week they were suddenly reassigned to the Environment and Solid Waste Committee and scheduled for a hearing on Monday, November 14. 

Senate Bill 63 – While this bill has been amended at the request of the AKC, the New Jersey Federation of Dog Clubs, and numerous other animal interest groups, there are still significant concerns.  This includes regulating those who would sell 5 dogs in a “non-face-to-face” transaction, even if this is a breeder who has a long-standing relationship with a customer.  This could also significantly hinder customers who wish to purchase a well-bred purebred dog from a specific breeder or bloodline if they are unable to personally meet with the breeder at the time of sale. 

The bill also contains other concerns, including two pages of legislative “findings” that attack the integrity of dog breeders and provide questionable data and outdated statistics about.  Read AKC’s previous alert for more information on the concerns with Senate Bill 63. 

Assembly Bill 2338 – This is the Assembly companion to Senate Bill 63. This version does not include the amendments requested by AKC and other groups, and continues to include extreme and restrictive provisions designed to restrict the breeding and sales of purpose-bred pets while supporting pets from unknown sources.  Provisions include repealing the consumer protection laws available to consumers who choose to purchase a purpose-bred dog, prohibiting the sale of a pet unless it is part of a face-to-face transaction, and allowing pet stores to sell only dogs from unregulated shelters and rescues not subject to consumer protections. The AKC is extremely concerned about the impacts of this legislation on removing a consumer’s opportunity to purchase the dog from the source of their choice, and protections that a pet is healthy and well-bred.  Read AKC’s alert on the introduced version of SB 63 for more concerns and talking points on this bill.

What You Can Do:

Attend the Committee Hearing on Monday, November 14.  This bill is moving very quickly, and it is essential that the committee sees the number of people who are concerned and will be negatively impacted by this legislation.

The hearing details are as follows:
New Jersey Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee
Monday, November 14, 2016
2:00 pm
Committee Room 9, 3rd Floor
State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

Contact the Committee prior to the hearing and express your concerns with these bills.  If you are a constituent, please mention that when contacting the committee.

Assemblyman Tim Eustace, Chair (District 38)
(201) 576-9199

Assemblyman John McKeon, Vice Chair (District 27)
(973) 377-1606

Assemblyman Robert Karabinchak (District 18)
(732) 548-1406

Assemblyman John Wisniewski (District 19)
(732) 432-8460

Assemblyman David Wolfe (District 10)
(732) 840-9028

The American Kennel Club and New Jersey Federation of Dog Clubs will continue to closely monitor these bills.  For questions, e-mail AKC Government Relations at

Bills in New Jersey that would significantly restrict the ability of pet owners to obtain a puppy of their choice and restrict and some hobby breeders, have been reassigned to a new committee and are scheduled for a hearing on Monday, November 14.

AKC urges those who breed or sell dogs in New Jersey, or have obtained a dog from a New Jersey breeder to share their concerns with the proposals at the hearing Monday afternoon. Even if you do not wish to speak, is imperative for the committee to see the number of people that will be negatively impacted by these proposals.