On Wednesday, October 4, the Los Angeles Neighborhoods and Community Enrichment Committee will discuss a proposal to suspend the issuance of new breeding permits. This would impact all who breed in the city, as well as all owners of intact dogs even if they are not currently breeding (view AKC’s previous alert for additional information). This meeting comes after last week’s scheduled meeting was cancelled due to an illness.
What You Can Do:
Attend the Los Angeles City Council’s Neighborhoods and Community Enrichment Committee meeting and express your opposition: The proposal is scheduled to be discussed on:
Wednesday, October 4 at 8:30 AM
City Hall, 200 N. Spring St., Rm. 401
Los Angeles, California
Note: The audio for Committee meetings is broadcast live on the internet at The live audio can also be accessed at: (213) 621-CITY (Metro), (818) 9049450 (Valley), (310) 471-CITY (Westside) and (310) 547-CITY (San Pedro area). The Committee will take public comment from members of the public inperson only; there will be no public comment by teleconference.
Submit comments in writing if you have not yet done so: AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) thanks all who have taken the time to comment on this proposal. If you have not been able to comment yet, there is still time! It is very easy and you can do so by clicking here.
Enter your name and email address, and 23-1008 as the Council File Number after clicking the link. Your remarks do not need to be long, but be sure to include that although you sympathize with the unfortunate conditions of the shelter system, suspending the rights of responsible, law-abiding breeders and owners of intact dogs will not help shelter overcrowding.
Visit Breeding Regulations and Restrictions in the AKC Legislative Action Center for more talking points and information.
AKC GR will provide updates as warranted on next steps in the coming weeks. For questions or more information on California legislation, contact AKC GR at