A bill is moving through the Arizona Senate that would impact live dog racing in the state. As defined in state law, “live dog racing” is defined as “racing in which greyhound dogs chase a mechanical lure.” As a result, the bill would have inadvertently prohibited all lure coursing, Coursing ability and similar events in the state after December 31.
At the request of the AKC, Senate Majority Leader Steve Yarbrough has agreed to sponsor an amendment that would ensure lure coursing and other similar events are exempt and therefore allowed to continue in the state. This amendment could be considered any day.
Arizona residents and those who participate in lure coursing events in the state are urged to contact the Arizona State Senate TODAY and ask them to “Support the Yarbrough floor amendment to House Bill 2127.” If applicable, let the Senate know that you participate in lure coursing, coursing ability or similar events in the state and why these events are important to you.
Visit the Legislative Action Center and type your address in the “Find Your Elected Officials” box to find the name and contact information for your State Senator. A full State Senate roster can be found here.
Arizona residents and those who participate in lure coursing events in the state are urged to contact the Arizona State Senate TODAY and ask them to Support the Yarbrough floor amendment to House Bill 2127.