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June 17, 2015

The Pennsylvania Senate Game and Fisheries Committee has approved Senate Bill 77, which would make several changes regarding dog training areas, including providing protections for dogs actively training or participating in field trials.

Read AKC’s previous legislative alert for more information on this bill. 

The bill is now under consideration by the full Senate.  Visit the AKC’s Legislative Action Center and type your address in the “Find Your Elected Officials” box to find the name and contact information for your state senator if you wish to contact them regarding this legislation. 

AKC Government Relations will continue to monitor Senate BIll 77 and provide information as this bill advances.  For the latest status, contact AKC Government Relations at (919) 816-3720 or

The Pennsylvania Senate Game and Fisheries Committee has approved Senate Bill 77, which would make several changes regarding dog training areas, including providing protections for dogs actively training or participating in field trials. The bill is now under consideration by the full Senate.