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On Thursday, February 2, a proposed Oregon Constitutional amendment that would declare constitutional right to fish, hunt or harvest wildlife or gather wild foods, subject to certain legal restrictions will be heard in the Oregon House Rules Committee.

In Oregon, the term “hunt” is defined in part as taking or attempting to take wildlife with the “assistance of any mammal”, which includes hunting with dogs.  As such, this amendment may provide some protections for performance events and other humane hunting activities using dogs.

AKC thanks Representatives Virgle Osborne and David Smith for introducing the amendment.

Oregon residents are encouraged to contact the House Rules Committee if you wish to support House Joint Resolution 5. Scroll down for contact information.

What You Can Do:

House Joint Resolution 5 is scheduled for consideration in the House Rules Committee on Thursday, February 2. Those who wish to contact members of the committee can do so by clicking HERE. If you are a constituent or participate in performance events in their districts, be sure to mention that when contacting them.  Click HERE to find out who your representative is.

AKC Government Relations continues to monitor bills in Oregon impacting dog owners and will provide updates.  For questions or more information, contact AKC GR at