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The two-year Georgia legislative session ended last week with wins for dogs and dog owners. The American Kennel Club Government Relations team (AKC GR) thanks the Georgia Canine Coalition (GCC), AKC club members, and every individual who contacted lawmakers and spread the word to fellow owners about legislation that affects dogs. Special thanks go out to Gail LaBerge and Michael Houchard for their hard work and advocacy on behalf of all dogs. 

PASSED:  Purebred Dog Day in Georgia.  Senate Resolution 868 recognizes May 1, 2022, as Purebred Dog Day in Georgia. This legislation was supported by AKC, the GCC, and AKC clubs. Click here to view the text, its affirmations of the value of purebred dogs, and how to thank the sponsors. Advocates continue their work to make Purebred Dog Day an annual day of recognition in Georgia. Contact for information on how you can help. 

DID NOT PASS:  Senate Bill 303 was an onerous, overreaching dog breeder bill that was opposed by AKC, the GCC, AKC clubs, and veterinarians throughout the state. Advocates communicated their grave concerns with the bill and offered positive amendments intended to protect both dogs and individuals who obtain dogs in Georgia.

 DID NOT PASS:  House Bill 1450 sought to require good practices when tethering dogs. However, the bill also included unnecessary limitations on safely tethering a dog outdoors when weather conditions are pleasant and do not present a threat to the dog’s health or well-being.

DID NOT PASS:  Senate Resolution 803 was introduced late in the second year of session. This legislation contained incorrect statements denigrating dog breeders and sought to establish a Senate study committee based on those false claims.

Other Issues:  Over the two-year session, AKC GR issued communication in support of legislation to enable emergency transport of injured police dogs and monitored bills addressing vicious animals, dog events, locations on which animals may be displayed for sale, and other measures.

Onward and Upward!  In just a few short months, Georgia legislators will begin pre-filing bills for the 2023-2024 legislative session. Take time now to meet with your state senator and representative in their home districts. Let them know that you, your AKC club, the GCC, and the AKC Government Relations department are knowledgeable resources on dog issues.

If your club is not already a member of the Georgia Canine Coalition, join now! By working together, we can help preserve and protect our rights to own, exhibit, breed, and enjoy the dogs we love.

2022 is an election year. Encourage dog owners to register to vote. Get to know candidates for office and their positions on animal issues, and support dog-friendly candidates for seats in the state legislature.

Stay Informed.  If you are not directly receiving AKC’s legislative alerts by email, click here to sign up. View AKC’s online advocacy resources that you can download and share:

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For additional information, please contact AKC Government Relations at or 919-816-3720.