On August 2, the City of Stamford’s Board of Representatives met virtually to vote on the proposed tethering ordinance, as amended by the Legislative and Rules Committee on July 20, 2021. The lengthy discussion before final adoption of text begins 36 minutes into the meeting, which can be viewed on video here.
Final text includes the following:
- No owner/keeper shall permit the tying, chaining, or otherwise tethering of any dog outdoors as a means of confinement for a time period exceeding 30 minutes unless the owner or keeper is outside with the dog and the dog is in the owner’s or keeper’s view.
- An owner/keeper may permit a dog to be unrestrained or restrained by a dog runner system in an outdoor space which is owned or controlled by such owner/keeper, provided that such space is completely restricted by an enclosure, fence, or electronic restraining system.
A motion to allow an owner or keeper to safely tether a dog outside for longer than 30 minutes unattended, depending on the breed or individual dog, was not adopted.
Click here to read AKC’s previous alert and position on tethering.
AKC’s Government Relations Department (AKC GR) will continue to monitor dog-related legislative efforts throughout Connecticut and will provide updates and action alerts as developments warrant. For more information, contact AKC GR at doglaw@akc.org.