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The Baltimore County Council is taking public testimony on Tuesday, April 10, on a proposal that would not allow any dog to be outside for more than 30 minutes if the temperature is below 32 or above 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

AKC believes that specific temperature requirements are arbitrary and do not consider the needs of specific breeds.  This does not take into account that certain breeds thrive outside these temperatures, nor does it consider that some breeds require a more moderate climate and even 30 minutes in temperatures permitted under this proposal could jeopardize the dog’s health.

AKC instead believes that dogs should never be tethered outside in a situation or manner that could jeopardize their health and safety.  The proposal already says that an animal should not be kept in a situation where a person “should reasonably conclude” it would “pose an adverse risk to the health or safety of an animal, based on the animal’s size, age, physical condition, or thickness of the animal’s hair or fur.”  The specific temperature ranges are not necessary and should be removed from the proposal.

The proposal also provides specific requirements for a shelter that must be provided if the animal is outside for more than 30 minutes in “adverse environmental conditions”.  Residents are encouraged to review the proposal to see how these requirements would impact you.

What You Can Do:

Residents and those who participate in events in Baltimore County are encouraged to do the following:

  • Attend the work session on Tuesday, April 10 and express your comments and concerns with this proposal:

    Baltimore County Council Work Session
    Tuesday, April 10, 2018
    2:00 pm
    Historic Courthouse, 400 Washington Ave
    Towson, Maryland

  • Contact the county council prior to the work session and express your comments and concerns. If you have a specific example of a situation where you would humanely tether a dog when the temperature is outside these temperature ranges, please be sure to include that in your communication.

    Phone: (410) 887-3196

    Individual council member contact information is as follows:

    Councilman Tom Quirk (District 1)
    Catonsville: (410) 887-0896
    Towson: (410) 887-3386

    Councilwoman Vicki Almond (District 2)
    (410) 887-3385

    Councilman Wade Kach (District 3)
    (410) 887-3387

    Councilman Julian E. Jones, Jr. (District 4)
    (410) 887-3389

    Councilman David Marks (District 5)
    (410) 887-3384

    Councilwoman Cathy Bevins (District 6)
    (410) 887-3388

    Councilman Todd K. Crandell (District 7)
    (410) 887-3383

AKC Government Relations will continue to follow this proposal and provide updates as they become available.  For more information, contact AKC GR at