The New York City Council is expected to vote tomorrow on a series of measures that would create many new requirements for anyone who meets the definition of “pet shop” (defined in this proposal as those who sell more than 25 dogs/year). While many positive amendments were made that improve the bill and protect dogs and responsible pet owners and sellers, some significant concerns remain.
New York City residents are urged to contact the New York City Council prior to the December 17 vote to respectfully express your comments and concerns with these measures.
Click here or visit for a full council roster, as well as information on how to contact your Council Member.
File 136:
This bill would prohibit anyone who meets the definition of “pet store” (selling 25+ dogs/year) from selling a dog that was not sterilized – even if the dog is as young as eight weeks old. The only exemptions are for dogs that will not be kept in New York City.
The AKC opposes mandatory spay/neuter laws, as sterilization is matter appropriately left to an owner in consultation with their veterinarian. Additionally, implementation of this proposal would require many young puppies to undergo radical sterilization surgery as young as 8 weeks of age. Scientific studies increasingly demonstrate juvenile spay/neuter may have long-term harmful impacts on a dog’s health and wellbeing.
Talking Points for File No. 136:
Click here to view a sample letter to personalize
Click here for a sample phone script
Read AKC’s Issue Analysis “Why Mandatory Spay/Neuter Laws are Ineffective”
Read AKC’s Issue Analysis “The Value of Responsible Dog Breeders”
Read AKC’s Issue Brief “Mandatory Spay/Neuter”
View a statement by the American College of Theriogenologists regarding health concerns with juvenile spay/neuter.
File 55-A:
While many positive changes were made to this measure, there are still questions as to whether pet stores will be limited in the sources from which they can obtain animals. In particular, this measure may prevent pet stores from obtaining dogs from USDA Class B licensees.
The AKC has asked that this measure be clarified so that pet stores may continue to obtain pets from both USDA Class B and Class A licensees, as long as they meet the requirements set out in the bill that ensure that dogs are being treated in a safe, humane manner.
File 146-A:
This measure has a provision that would require all dogs sold by those defined as a pet shop to be microchipped by a veterinarian prior to sale. Many states allow others, including the breeders, to implant microchips. AKC is asking that the measure be clarified so that those dogs that are chipped in their state of origin do not have to be microchipped again before sale in New York City.
AKC Government Relations urges NYC residents to contact the council before the December 17 vote and respectfully express your concerns with these measures. For questions or more information, contact AKC GR at (919) 816-3720 or
The New York City Council is expected to vote tomorrow on a series of measures that would create…