Last evening, the city of Stamford’s Legislative and Rules Committee hosted a public hearing on a proposed tethering ordinance requiring an owner or keeper to remain outside with a tethered dog and keep it within view. In a prior alert, American Kennel Club Government Relations (AKC GR) provided details on the proposal and urged resident dog owners to request additional changes to the draft text.
The committee heard from residents, the city animal control officer, representatives from their own board and AKC GR. After more than an hour of thoughtful deliberation, recorded here, the committee expressed a need to provide animal control with a tool to address irresponsible owners that leave dogs tethered outside for unreasonable amounts of time, but without penalizing responsible owners.
On a vote of 8 to 1, the committee approved an amendment to its proposal. The amendment creates an exception allowing an “owner or keeper to tether, fasten, chain or tie a dog no longer than necessary for the person to complete a temporary task that requires the dog to be restrained for a reasonable period of time.” The amended proposal will next be presented to the full Board of Representatives for consideration.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: The Board of Representatives is scheduled to meet virtually on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, starting at 8pm. The Legislative and Rules Committee is on the agenda to present its amended proposal. Dog owners impacted can contact their representative on the board and discuss it with them prior to July 6.
Anyone interested in attending the meeting can access it by computer, tablet or smartphone at or at – Webinar ID: 810 9917 1750 or by telephone at 1 646 558 8656 -Webinar ID: 810 9917 1750.
AKC GR will provide additional information as developments warrant. For more information, contact AKC GR at