The Michigan House of Representatives will likely soon consider a bill that makes numerous changes to the state’s veterinary laws.
These changes include amending the definition of “practice of veterinary medicine”. Current law states that practicing veterinary medicine includes “prescribing or administering a drug, medicine, treatment, or method of procedure.” As passed by the House Agriculture Committee, House Bill 4912 clarifies that this includes administering vaccines, performing dental procedures, physical therapy, or alternative and integrative therapy (such as acupuncture, homeopathy, and manipulative therapy).
Under current law, no one may practice veterinary medicine in the state without a license or other authorization.
AKC understands that there are responsible breeders who administer certain vaccines to their dogs – particularly on new litters. Those who wish to comment on House Bill 4912 should contact their State Representative today, as this bill could be scheduled soon for a vote. To find the name and contact information for your State Representative, visit the AKC Legislative Action Center and type your zip code in the “Find Officials” box on the home page. You can also use the Michigan House of Representatives online search tool.
AKC Government Relations will continue to monitor this legislation. For questions on Michigan legislation, contact AKC GR at