Noble County Commissioners are expected to vote on Monday, October 22, on two proposals that would have a direct impact on dog owners who reside or participate in events in the county – including a proposal that would restrict virtually all breeding in the county.
If you live in Noble County or participate in dog events, you are encouraged to review the two draft proposals, and submit your comments to the council prior to the October 22 meeting. All comments should be submitted through this online form:
Noble County is seeking public input on the following two proposals:
Proposed Local Law “Kennel Ordinance” –
This proposal creates definitions of “breeding”, “boarding”, “home”, and “training” kennels, all of which appear to be required to be licensed each year.
A “breeding kennel” is defined as “a place that does all or some of the following”:
1) Breeds at least three domestic animals for reproduction in an 18-month period OR
2) Keeps newborn domestic animals of less than a year old for the purpose of selling or rehoming, whether or not monetary or other consideration is given.
This broad definition would seem to impact anyone who breeds a litter and gives or sells even one dog. As currently written, the county will issue a maximum of 19 “Breeding Kennel” licenses in the first year and only consider an additional two licenses each year, up to an absolute maximum of 25. If demand is higher than license availability, the county intends to auction them to the highest bidder for up to $10,000 per license, and only to those who did not have a license in the previous year.
While not subject to the same limitations, licenses also are required for a “home” Kennel (defined as a place keeping between nine and 20 domestic animals), a “boarding” kennel (cares for three or more animals at the same time not owned by the property owner for more than 24 hours, with the purpose of returning the animal to its owner), and “training kennels”. Although the proposal defines “training” kennels as a place that does not own domestic animals, but provides training to show at “dog shows” or perform service functions such as search and rescue, therapy and explosive or drug detection, the limitations on “breeding” kennels would clearly limit the ability to own and breed dogs for these same purposes.
At least half of the license fees will be given as a grant for the operation of the local animal shelter.
AKC encourages all who breed and raise dogs in Noble County, or has purchased a dog from someone in the county, to contact the county and express your concerns with these stringent restrictions that could significantly restrict breeding in the county, unless you are one of the fortunate few to obtain an annual license. Let them know what you do to breed and raise dogs in a responsible manner and encourage them to withdraw this proposal.
Proposed Local Law “Animal Welfare Ordinance” –
This proposed law seeks to make numerous changes to the county’s animal welfare and animal control laws.
Among other changes, the proposal states that no person shall keep more than eight (8) dogs over the age of six (6) months on the property of their residence except when in compliance with the county’s kennel license and zoning ordinances. This is especially concerning since the county intends in the other proposal to limit kennel licenses. AKC believes and strongly endorses the right to own, keep and breed dogs in a responsible and humane manner. Irresponsible owners exist regardless of how many dogs they own. Arbitrarily selecting a limit will not prevent irresponsible ownership.
The proposal also would require local animal shelters to maintain impounded animals for up to seven (7) days, so long as space allows and the animal is healthy. If the animal is injured, ill, or unclaimed after that time, the shelter may place the animal up for adoption or terminate its life. AKC is very concerned that under this proposal, there is no duty for the shelter to attempt to identify by microchip or other means and then notify an animal owner that an animal has been received.
Other provisions seek to regulate dangerous dogs, and AKC appreciates that the proposal states that no regulation may be breed-specific.
Noble County residents are encouraged to click on the above link to read the proposal and see how it would impact you and your dogs.
AKC Government Relations will provide additional information on Noble County and other pending Indiana legislation as developments warrant. For more information, contact AKC GR at