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Yesterday, a Senate subcommittee passed SSB 1195, and it will be considered by the Senate Agriculture Committee TOMORROW (Thursday, February 25).

As stated in a previous alert, this important bill would prevent local governments from passing any law that places significant restrictions – including financial hardships – on the use of working animals or “animal enterprises”, which includes animal shows and competitions.

While opponents are claiming this would prevent regulations that protect animals from cruelty, that is not correct.  It simply ensures that legal, humane animal events that provide so much benefit to animals, clubs, and local communities can continue – and would protect venues that rely on these events.  For more information on communicating the benefit of dog events, view AKC’s 2019 “Economic Impact of AKC Dog Events in Iowa” and our handout “It Pays to Support AKC Dog Shows

It further protects the right to humanely train and use working animals.  As defined, this would include animals for education and exhibition, among many other important roles.

This bill will be considered tomorrow in the Senate Agriculture Committee and is receiving significant opposition.  Those who reside in Iowa – and especially those who use working dogs or participate in conformation or performance events in the state – are encouraged to contact the committee TODAY and express your support of SSB 1195.  Let them know how the bill would make a positive impact on you, your dogs, and your club.  If your State Senator is on the committee, use the form provided to directly contact them. Otherwise, use the information below to contact the committee:

Sen. Dan Zumbach, Chair – Bill Sponsor (Delaware County)

Sen. Annette Sweeney, Vice Chair (Hardin County)

Sen. Kevin Kinney (Johnson County)

Sen. Mark Costello (Mills County)

Sen. Dawn Driscoll (Iowa County)

Sen. Jeff Edler (Marshall County)

Sen. Jesse Green (Webster County)

Liz Mathis (Linn County)

Amanda Ragan (Butler, Cerro Gordo, Franklin Counties)

Ken Rozenboom (Mahaska County)

Tom Shipley (Adams County)

Jackie Smith (Woodbury County)

Zach Wahls (Cedar, Johnson, Muscatine Counties)

AKC will continue to monitor this and other legislation impacting Iowa dog owners and will provide updates as available.  For questions, contact AKC GR at